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Comes with a wood blade If you're planning a remodeling project, we don't think you ought to start without at least considering this recip saw. It's the very best way to take out studs, woodworking and whatever else stands in the way of your project. This one's just right for the do-it-yourselfer, with a six-amp motor and a speed range of 0 to 2,400 strokes per minute. Stroke length is a nice 1-1/8 inches. It's unbelievably light, weighing in at just 6-1/2 pounds, and it's pretty compact, as recip saws go, so even the least among us can wield it with great results and practically no fatigue. With just an extension cord, this saw is a great alternative to a chain saw for trimming limbs and stubborn growth out in the yard. But it reigns supreme when it comes to demolition, taking out a stud in nothing flat. The truth is, it's fun to use. It's also what we want to have on hand for things like a kitchen counter or bathroom vanity remodel, making quick work of sink cutouts. DeWalt's throwing in a set of 10 blades with the saw, so you absolutely can't go wrong here. It's not the big beast you want for everyday toil, but it's perfect for the homeowner, do-it-yourselfer and light contracting use.


RNTR Depot of Alexandria MN

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